Chief bodyguard to Pope Francis resigns over scandal

Vatican police chief Domenico Giani, who is also Pope Francis’ Chief Bodyguard announced his resignation on monday following the leak of a Vatican police flyer which identified five Holy See employees who were suspended as part of a financial investigation.

The Vatican said Giani was not responsible for the leak but he resigned to ensure the serenity of the investigation and “out of love for the church and faithfulness” to the Pope.

Though the identity of the person who leaked the document to the Italian newsweekly L’Espresso remains unknown.

Having always said that I would be willing to sacrifice my life to defend the pope, I took the decision to resign with the same spirit, and to not in any way harm the image and activities of the pope,” Giani told vatican media.

The Pope’s Chief Bodyguard who resigned signed the October 2 flyer after his agents raided two Vatican offices in the investigation of financial irregularities surrounding a London real estate deal.

Gianni had served three popes, including ‘Pope Benedict XVI’, in his 20 years with the Vatican security services. He could often be seen running alongside the “popemobile” during foreign trips and appearances.

It was gathered that the investigation is still on going.